Introductory Microbiology –
Introduction to microbial world, History of Agri. microbiology, Microscope – it’s parts, Principles of microscopy, Methods of sterilization Enumeration of microbial population in soil bacteria, fungi, actionmycets, Methods of isolation & purification of microbial cultures, Isolation of Rhizobium, Arotobacter, Azospirillum, BGA. Phosphorous & silicon solubilizing microbes isolation of cellulose & Pectin degrading microbes for agro waste management etc. is mucluded in this subject & role of microbes in agriculture production etc.
Fundamentals of Plant Pathology.
Introduction – Importance of Plant diseases, Scope of objective of Plant pathology. Term Concept of plant pathology & history of plant pathology, Importance of Plant pathogenic organisms, different groups – fungi bacteria, fastidious vesicular bacteria, physoplasma Spiro plasma, viruses, viroid’s, algae, protozoa, phanerogamic plant parasites & nematodes. Study of symptoms and sign of plant disease management, classification of fungicides, their formulation & Methods of application of fungicides etc.
Principles of Integrated Disease Management
Introduction, history, importance, concepts, principles and tools of integrated Disease Management, Measurement of losses causes due to disease, Methods of control, Survey surveillance and fore casting of plant disease. Methods of diagnosis & detection of various plant disease and measurement.
Bio fertilizers, bio control agents & bio pesticides
Bio fertilizers – Introduction, types and import once of bio fertilizers. Bio pesticides & bio agents in agriculture & organic farming system. Classification of bio fertilizers, micro – organisms used in bio fertilizers & its growth characters study. Mass multiplication of bio fertilizers. Registration of bio fertiliser’s strategies of marking & registration with CIB of bio agents & bio pesticides.
Diseases of Field & Horticultural crops & their Management – 1.
Study of symptoms, ethology, disease cycle & management of major disease of field crops like Rice, Maize, Bajara, Soybean, Black & Green gram, Caster, Tobacco, Groundnut etc. Horticultural crops like Guava, Banana, Papaya, Pomegranate and Creaciterous vegetables like. Brinjal, Tomato, Okra, Beans, Ginger, Coconut, Tea, Coffee Field visit for the diagnosis of field problems collection & preservation of plant disease specimens for Herbarium.
Diseases of Field & Horticultural crops and their management – II
Study of symptoms, ethology, diseases cycle and management of major diseases of field crops like wheat, sugar cane, sunflower mustard, Gram, cotton & pea etc.Horticultural crops like Mango, citrus, Grapevine, Apple, Pench, Strawberry, Potato cucurbits – Onion, Garlic, Chilles, Turmeric, Coriander, Flower crop like marigold, rose.